time really fly by fast.
we start of with a wrough day. (i think so)
a teacher just shed crocodile tears. haiz.
but seriously, i dont felt guilty at all because i really open my heart to whoever who wants to teach me, regardless whether that particular person teaches in a good or bad way.
i always give chance but dont untill keterlaluan.
i know she has a good reason behind all this. =)
today slacked at StudioR.
not really slacking actually.
focus on upcoming prom night and eventually play some games at the end.
i am who i am and will always be me.
there is no need to follow people if you are confident in what you are doing yourself.
everyone has its own advantage and disadvantage in terms of physical and mentally.
that is the job of God to put whatever characteristic a person have.
i dont mind people copying me.
maybe they will feel confident in what change they have done to themeselves.
whatever it is, i feel good on myself and its up to me for making the change in myself.
some people copy others so that they can add more knowledge.
some people copy beacause they lack of comfidence in themeselves.
the thing that i wanted to point out is that I AM ME.